Upanishads in English rhyme


Adhyatma * AdvayaTarak * Aitareya * AkshaMalika * Akshi * AmritaBindu * Amritanad * Annapurna * Aruni * Atharvasikha * Atharvasiras * Atma * AtmaBodha * Avadhuta * Avyakta * Bahvricha * BhasmaJabala * Bhavana * Bhikshuka * Brahma * BrahmaVidya * BrihadJabala * Brihadaranyaka * Chandogya * Dakshinamurti * Darsana * Dattatreya * Devi * DhyanaBindu * Ekakshara * Ganapati * GanapatiAtharvashirsha * Garbha * Garuda * GopalTapaniya * Hamsa * Hayagriva * Isavasya * Jabala * Jabali * Kaivalya * KalagniRudra * KaliSantarana * Katha * Katharudra * KaushitakiBrahmana * Kena * Krishna * Kshurika * Kundika * MahaNarayan * Maha * MahaVakya * Maitrayani * Maitreya * Mandala Brahman * Mandukya * Mantrika * Mudgala * Muktika * Mundaka * NadaBindu * NaradParivrajaka * Narayan * Niralamba * Nirvan * NrisimhaPoorvaTapaniya * NrisimhaUttaraTapaniya * Paingala * PanchaBrahma * ParaBrahma * ParamahamsaParivrajaka * Paramahamsa * PasupataBrahman * Pranagnihotra * Prashna * RamRahasya * RamTapaniya * RudraHridaya * Rudrakshajabala * Sandilya * Sannyasa * Sarabha * SarasvatiRahasya * Sariraka * SarvaSara * Satyayaniya * SaubhagyaLakshmi * Savitri * Sita * Skanda * Subala * SukaRahasya * Surya * Svetasvatara * Taittiriya * TaraSara * TejoBindu * TripadvibhutiMahanarayana * TripuraTapini * Tripura * TrisikhiBrahman * TuriyatitaAvadhuta * Vajrasuchika * Varaha * Vasudeva * Yajnavalkya * YogaChudamani * YogaKundalini * YogaSikha * YogaTattva 

Upanishads, Vedant, the last of Vedas be,
Its conclusion: On Moksha, the bliss truly,
It is taught by Guru to the Shishya worthy,
A student sitting near the Guru devotedly.

Upanishads inner mystic Veda, its crux be,
Vedic spiritual and philosophical inquiries,
Of rituals, human person, cosmic realities,
Atma, Brahman and the Ultimate Reality.

They highlighting individual Atman identity,
Of universal consciousness, Brahman fully,
Guiding seekers towards self-realization be,
Through meditation, introspection mainly.

Upanishads are the very highest authority,
On which is resting the Sanatan philosophy,
The Vedanta related to Upanishads directly,
Knowledge and salvation doctrine certainly.

The Upanishads a secret and a mystery be,
Which are found in true memory of Shruti,
Mixed with the legends and myths clearly,
The Universe nature, origin speculating be.

Upanishads key to realize Universe reality,
They the knowledge to Ultimate Bliss be,
If Samhita a tree, Brahmans the flowers be,
Aranyakas fruits, Upanishads if ripened be.

The nature of world and the God Almighty,
The very essence of the Upanishads do be,
Discusses about this world and who I be,
After the demise, what does become of me.